

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Muara Takus Temple

Muara Takus Temple is a Buddhist temple site is located in the village of Muara Takus, District XIII Koto, Kampar regency, Riau, Indonesia. This site is approximately 135 kilometers from the city of Pekanbaru.

Muara Takus Temple Site is surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters, made ​​of white stone wall to the height ± 80 cm, outside their area of land there is also a wall measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers, surrounded this complex sampal Right to the Kampar River. Inside the complex there are several temples called Candi sulung /tua, Candi Bungsu, Mahligai Stupa and Palangka.

Muara Takus Temple, Candi Muara Takus

Archaeological experts have not been able to determine exactly when the temple site was established. Some say the fourth century, some say the seventh century, nineteenth century and even in the eleventh century. But this temple is considered to have been there in the heyday of Srivijaya, so that some historians consider this region is one of the central government of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

In 2009 Temple Barelang nominated to become one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Muara Takus Temple is the oldest temple sites in Sumatra, was the only site in the form of heritage temples in Riau. This Buddhist temple is a proof that Buddhism once flourished in this region.

Ngarai Sianok

Sianok Canyon or Ngarai Sianok is a steep valley (cliff) is located in the border town of Bukittinggi, the IV Koto district, Agam regency, West Sumatra. The valley is long and winding as the southern border town of Koto Gadang canyon to the villages Sianok Anam Tribe, and ended in the district Palupuh. Sianok canyon has beautiful views and also one of the flagship attractions province.

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Sianok rod can now be forded by the use of canoes and kayaks are disaranai by a water sports organization "Qurays". The route taken is from the villages to oblong Sitingkai Lambah Palupuh villages for about 3.5 hours. At the edges still found many rare plants such as rafflesia and medicinal plants. Fauna encountered such long-tailed monkey, gibbon, mitered, deer, wild boar, leopard, and tapir.

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi is one of the historical attractions in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Japan is a tunnel hole (bunker) the protection of the Japanese occupation forces built around the year 1942 for defense.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Earlier, Japan's Hole was built as a storage supplies and equipment of war the Japanese army, with a long tunnel which reaches 1400 m and winding and has a width of about 2 meters. There are a number of special rooms in this tunnel, among them the space reconnaissance, ambush rooms, prisons, and the armory.

In addition to its strategic location in the city that was once a center of government in Central Sumatra, ground into the tunnel wall is a type of soil when mixed with water will be more sturdy. Even the earthquake that shook West Sumatra in 2009 and not much damage the structure of the tunnel.

An estimated tens to hundreds of thousands of forced labor or romusha deployed from the island of Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan to dig this tunnel. The selection of workers from outside the region is a Japanese colonial strategy to maintain the confidentiality of this mega project. From the United Kingdom alone workforce deployed in defense of them to work on the tunnel in London and the island of Biak.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Root Bridge

The root bridge is a bridge formed of two interlacing roots of trees that grow opposite and extends over stem the flow shadow shadow in the district, the South Coast district, West Sumatra. Local people call it Titian Aka (Minang language), and according to them this bridge has been there for hundreds of years ago.

The Root Bridge, Jembatan Akar

Jam Gadang ( Clock Tower )

Clock Tower is named for Big Ben clock tower similar to that located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This clock has a clock tower with a large size on four sides so called the Clock Tower, which when translated from Minang into the Indonesian language it means "jam besar".

Aside from being a marker of central town of Bukittinggi, the Clock Tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the construction of the park around the tower at this. The park is a public interaction space either on weekdays or on holidays.

So the events of a general nature are usually organized around the park near the clock tower, one of which is the point of commencement of Stage 4 Tour de Singkarak 2011.

Jam Gadang, Clock Tower

Clock Tower has a ground-plan area of ​​13 x 4 meters. The inside of the clock tower at 26 meters it consists of several levels, where the top level is a storage area pendulum. The pendulum had broken and had to be replaced by an earthquake in 2007.

There are 4 hours each with a diameter of 80 cm at the Clock Tower, where machine-hour clock and the surface is located at one level below the top level. Clock is shipped directly from Rotterdam, Netherlands via the Gulf ports Bayur and mechanically driven by a machine that only made ​​2 units in the world, the Clock Tower itself and Big Ben in London, England.

Jam Gadang, Clock Tower

Clock Tower was built without the use of iron peyangga and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand. The uniqueness of the Clock Tower itself is the mistake of writing the Roman numeral four (IV) on each day is written "IIII". Kesahalan writing is also common in parts of the world, like the number 9 written "VIIII" (supposedly IX) or the number 28 is written "XXIIX" (should XXVIII).

Bung Hatta Palace

Bung Hatta Palace

Bung Hatta Palace or Tri Arga of State House is located in center town of Kota Bukittinggi park exactly in front of the Clock Tower / Jam Gadang. Formerly, in 1946 the building was in use as the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia first, Drs. Mohammad Hatta, and In 1947 the building was made ​​as a Central Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Now, name the building was replaced by Bung Hatta Palace Building to commemorate the services of Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia.

Bung Hatta Palace

Pagaruyung Palace

Istano Basa is better known as the Palace Pagaruyung, is a palace located in the district of the Tanjung Emas, the city Batusangkar, Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatra. This palace is the famous cultural tourism in West Sumatra.

Istano Basa / Palace Pagaruyung that stands now is actually a replica of the original. Native Istano Basa is located on a hill Batu Patah and burned down in a bloody riot in 1804. The palace was later rebuilt but burned again in 1966.

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Baso

Pagaruyung Palace rebuilding process is done by laying 'tunggak tuo' (main pillar) on December 27, 1976 by ​​the then Governor of West Sumatra, Harun Zain. The new building footprint is not established in the old palace, but at a new location to the south. In the late 1970s, the palace has been able to be visited by the public.

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Baso

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Basa