

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi is one of the historical attractions in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Japan is a tunnel hole (bunker) the protection of the Japanese occupation forces built around the year 1942 for defense.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Earlier, Japan's Hole was built as a storage supplies and equipment of war the Japanese army, with a long tunnel which reaches 1400 m and winding and has a width of about 2 meters. There are a number of special rooms in this tunnel, among them the space reconnaissance, ambush rooms, prisons, and the armory.

In addition to its strategic location in the city that was once a center of government in Central Sumatra, ground into the tunnel wall is a type of soil when mixed with water will be more sturdy. Even the earthquake that shook West Sumatra in 2009 and not much damage the structure of the tunnel.

An estimated tens to hundreds of thousands of forced labor or romusha deployed from the island of Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan to dig this tunnel. The selection of workers from outside the region is a Japanese colonial strategy to maintain the confidentiality of this mega project. From the United Kingdom alone workforce deployed in defense of them to work on the tunnel in London and the island of Biak.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi


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