

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Muara Takus Temple

Muara Takus Temple is a Buddhist temple site is located in the village of Muara Takus, District XIII Koto, Kampar regency, Riau, Indonesia. This site is approximately 135 kilometers from the city of Pekanbaru.

Muara Takus Temple Site is surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters, made ​​of white stone wall to the height ± 80 cm, outside their area of land there is also a wall measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers, surrounded this complex sampal Right to the Kampar River. Inside the complex there are several temples called Candi sulung /tua, Candi Bungsu, Mahligai Stupa and Palangka.

Muara Takus Temple, Candi Muara Takus

Archaeological experts have not been able to determine exactly when the temple site was established. Some say the fourth century, some say the seventh century, nineteenth century and even in the eleventh century. But this temple is considered to have been there in the heyday of Srivijaya, so that some historians consider this region is one of the central government of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

In 2009 Temple Barelang nominated to become one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Muara Takus Temple is the oldest temple sites in Sumatra, was the only site in the form of heritage temples in Riau. This Buddhist temple is a proof that Buddhism once flourished in this region.

Ngarai Sianok

Sianok Canyon or Ngarai Sianok is a steep valley (cliff) is located in the border town of Bukittinggi, the IV Koto district, Agam regency, West Sumatra. The valley is long and winding as the southern border town of Koto Gadang canyon to the villages Sianok Anam Tribe, and ended in the district Palupuh. Sianok canyon has beautiful views and also one of the flagship attractions province.

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Sianok rod can now be forded by the use of canoes and kayaks are disaranai by a water sports organization "Qurays". The route taken is from the villages to oblong Sitingkai Lambah Palupuh villages for about 3.5 hours. At the edges still found many rare plants such as rafflesia and medicinal plants. Fauna encountered such long-tailed monkey, gibbon, mitered, deer, wild boar, leopard, and tapir.

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Ngarai Sianok, Sianok Canyon

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Japan Hole of Bukittinggi is one of the historical attractions in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Japan is a tunnel hole (bunker) the protection of the Japanese occupation forces built around the year 1942 for defense.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Earlier, Japan's Hole was built as a storage supplies and equipment of war the Japanese army, with a long tunnel which reaches 1400 m and winding and has a width of about 2 meters. There are a number of special rooms in this tunnel, among them the space reconnaissance, ambush rooms, prisons, and the armory.

In addition to its strategic location in the city that was once a center of government in Central Sumatra, ground into the tunnel wall is a type of soil when mixed with water will be more sturdy. Even the earthquake that shook West Sumatra in 2009 and not much damage the structure of the tunnel.

An estimated tens to hundreds of thousands of forced labor or romusha deployed from the island of Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan to dig this tunnel. The selection of workers from outside the region is a Japanese colonial strategy to maintain the confidentiality of this mega project. From the United Kingdom alone workforce deployed in defense of them to work on the tunnel in London and the island of Biak.

Lubang Jepang Bukittinggi, Japan Hole of Bukittinggi

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Root Bridge

The root bridge is a bridge formed of two interlacing roots of trees that grow opposite and extends over stem the flow shadow shadow in the district, the South Coast district, West Sumatra. Local people call it Titian Aka (Minang language), and according to them this bridge has been there for hundreds of years ago.

The Root Bridge, Jembatan Akar

Jam Gadang ( Clock Tower )

Clock Tower is named for Big Ben clock tower similar to that located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This clock has a clock tower with a large size on four sides so called the Clock Tower, which when translated from Minang into the Indonesian language it means "jam besar".

Aside from being a marker of central town of Bukittinggi, the Clock Tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the construction of the park around the tower at this. The park is a public interaction space either on weekdays or on holidays.

So the events of a general nature are usually organized around the park near the clock tower, one of which is the point of commencement of Stage 4 Tour de Singkarak 2011.

Jam Gadang, Clock Tower

Clock Tower has a ground-plan area of ​​13 x 4 meters. The inside of the clock tower at 26 meters it consists of several levels, where the top level is a storage area pendulum. The pendulum had broken and had to be replaced by an earthquake in 2007.

There are 4 hours each with a diameter of 80 cm at the Clock Tower, where machine-hour clock and the surface is located at one level below the top level. Clock is shipped directly from Rotterdam, Netherlands via the Gulf ports Bayur and mechanically driven by a machine that only made ​​2 units in the world, the Clock Tower itself and Big Ben in London, England.

Jam Gadang, Clock Tower

Clock Tower was built without the use of iron peyangga and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand. The uniqueness of the Clock Tower itself is the mistake of writing the Roman numeral four (IV) on each day is written "IIII". Kesahalan writing is also common in parts of the world, like the number 9 written "VIIII" (supposedly IX) or the number 28 is written "XXIIX" (should XXVIII).

Bung Hatta Palace

Bung Hatta Palace

Bung Hatta Palace or Tri Arga of State House is located in center town of Kota Bukittinggi park exactly in front of the Clock Tower / Jam Gadang. Formerly, in 1946 the building was in use as the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia first, Drs. Mohammad Hatta, and In 1947 the building was made ​​as a Central Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Now, name the building was replaced by Bung Hatta Palace Building to commemorate the services of Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia.

Bung Hatta Palace

Pagaruyung Palace

Istano Basa is better known as the Palace Pagaruyung, is a palace located in the district of the Tanjung Emas, the city Batusangkar, Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatra. This palace is the famous cultural tourism in West Sumatra.

Istano Basa / Palace Pagaruyung that stands now is actually a replica of the original. Native Istano Basa is located on a hill Batu Patah and burned down in a bloody riot in 1804. The palace was later rebuilt but burned again in 1966.

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Baso

Pagaruyung Palace rebuilding process is done by laying 'tunggak tuo' (main pillar) on December 27, 1976 by ​​the then Governor of West Sumatra, Harun Zain. The new building footprint is not established in the old palace, but at a new location to the south. In the late 1970s, the palace has been able to be visited by the public.

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Baso

Pagaruyung Palace, Istano Basa

Sawahlunto House Cultural Center

Sawahlunto House Cultural Center is a building located on 4th Ahmad Yani Street of Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This building was built in 1910 under the name "Gluck Auf" and has an area of ​​870 square meters. This building was formerly serves as a meeting hall (Societeit).

Where mining colonial government officials gathered to entertain themselves. In addition, this building is also called the House Ball, because on one side of the building is used as a place to play sports bowling and billiards to the Dutch authorities in Sawahlunto at the time.

Sawahlunto House Cultural Center

Singkarak Lake

Singkarak Lake is a lake that stretches across two counties in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia, the regencies Solok and Tanah Datar regency.
This lake has an area of ​​107,8 km² and is the second largest lake on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. This lake is upstream Batang Ombilin. But most of the lake water is passed through a tunnel through the Bukit Barisan to the Batang Anai to move the Singkarak hydroelectric power generator in the near Lubuk Alung, Pariaman District.

Singkarak Lake

Singkarak Lake is located at the geographical coordinates of 0, 36 degrees South Latitude (LS) and 100.3 east longitude (BT) with a height of 363.5 meters above sea level (masl). Water surface area of Lake Singkarak reached 11 200 hectares with a maximum length of 20 kilometers and 6.5 kilometers wide and a depth of 268 meters.

The lake has an area of water flow along the 1076 kilometer with rainfall 82 to 252 melimeter per month.

Singkarak Lake

Singkarak Lake

de Kock Fort

de Kock Fort

Fort de Kock is the Dutch fort that stands in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

The fort was founded by Captain Bouer in 1825 at the Baron Hendrik Merkus de Kock as a commander of Der Troepen and Deputy Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, that's why the fort was known as the Fort Fort De Kock.

The fortress is situated on the Mount Jirek is used by the Dutch Army as a stronghold of the onslaught of the people of Minangkabau, especially since the outbreak of Padri War in 1821-1837. Around the fort there are the guns of ancient period to the 19th century. In the ensuing years, it grew around the fort is also a town called Fort de Kock, now New York City.

de Kock Fort

Samosir Island

Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. An island within an island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level making the island into an island that attract the tourists.

Tuktuk is the concentration of tourists in the island. Of Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected with the ferry crossing. In addition to water transport, Samosir Island can also be reached by road via Pangururan as the place where the island of Sumatra Samosir and touch.

Samosir Island

Samosir island itself is located in the new district Naidoo expanded in 2003 from the former District Toba-Samosir.

On this island there are also two small lakes as a tourist area that is Danau Sidihoni and Aek Natonang Lake who got the nickname "the lake on the lake".

Samosir Island

Samosir Island

Mount Gundaling Sinabung

Mount Gundaling Sinabung is a hill in Berastagi, Karo regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Gundaling is a tourist attraction in Berastagi. Gundaling located at 1575 meters above sea level. In Gundaling can see Mount Sibayak and Sinabung.

Mount Gundaling Sinabung

Maimun Palace

Maimun Palace
Maimun Palace is one of the iconic city of Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, is located in the village Talbot, Medan Maimun district.

Designed by Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli, Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah in 1888, Maimun Palace has an area of ​​2772 m2 and 30 rooms.

Maimun Palace into a tourist destination not only because of old age, but also a unique interior design, combines elements of Malay cultural heritage, with a style of Islam, Spain, India and Italy, but unfortunately keadaanya less neglected now. If we pass this place in the afternoon, we could even see kids playing soccer in the courtyard of this palace.

Maimun Palace

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Around the World with beloved wife

Trying to challenge the limit, two German adventurers Jost Organista (36) and his wife Barbara Biggeman (35), decided to do what many dream of all people. They went around the world using a Toyota Land Cruiser four-wheel drive in August 2008. They left the business in the field of electrical engineering in Germany, and start the trip after doing intensive research and preparation for two years.

"We have to undergo various types of training and had to leave all the comfort when everyone is so accustomed to return home and live a normal life," they said. The couple even use the pension and insurance costs for travel around the world. To prepare for the challenging journey, they equip themselves with knowledge of self defense, first aid, mechanical skills and training in the face of an emergency.

Organista and Biggemann also seek special assistance from the medical institute in Essen to help them design a first aid device that contains a complete medical equipment to be brought in the car. They are trained specifically for their trip will be very difficult.

For used cars, they make various modifications in some parts of the car. The results of the modifications is a car that is equipped with tents, three diesel tanks with a total capacity of 240 liters, 100 - liter tank for storing drinking water, kitchen, spare parts, and satellite phones. In addition, their cars are also designed to be able to conquer the off road terrain. Decisions they take on the challenge it has no regrets. They are sure of what they would do.

Oganista and his wife are the true adventurer. They complement one another in Germany, Organista is istruktur paramotor and paragliding. They bring the engine paramotor and paragliding, to support them to be able to enjoy a trip around the world. In each country they visit, they will perform to flight documentation photographs over the air (aerial) to enjoy the natural beauty.

After passing a number of countries, they go to Indonesia through Sabah Sarawak, Malaysia to Borneo. Before arriving in Jakarta, they have traveled to Bali, and around Java. Many wonderful places they visited, but they rarely do paramotor flight due to weather conditions hampered the rain and winds of high intensity. But they are not disappointed with the condition, for they are a major safety factor. In addition, for them to appreciate nature is very important and should not be violated.

Arrive in Jakarta, Organista and his wife welcomed by the Chairman Djoko Bisowarno PLGI (Perstauan Layang Hanging Indonesia), Chairman of the paramotor Indonesia Effendi Ari, fellow paramotor pilot from Indonesia, and Bucek Deep, an artist who is also paragliding pilot. When in Jakarta, Organista share the story of his journey and his knowledge of the world to fly paramotor and paragliding. In the Secretariat FASI (Federation of Aero Sport Indonesia), he also gave a briefing on safety rules and paramotor flight.

Organista Biggeman wife described the experience of living for a month with Aboriginal Australia. He said he was fascinated by their hospitality and all its activities. Before they left for the desert Australia, remind them that going to the desert Australia are very dangerous because there are going to meet with indigenous Aboriginal tribes who are less friendly to the outside world. Apparently what diliat and felt not proven at all. "They even told us if we would go back there again, they will give us a house to live".

From that experience, Organista and Biggerman conclude that do not directly receive the face value the opinion of others, but one must experience it for yourself, and Biggeman Organista they make this trip brings message. "If everybody has a dream. If you have it then get out and do it without making excuses ",

During their stay in Indonesia, the couple will continue the trip to the region of Sumatra. They plan to visit some affected areas in Padang and Aceh. They are very happy to arrive in Indonesia with a diverse culture and natural beauty even more so long as they feel welcomed well by the people of Indonesia.

Once of Indonesia will continue their journey to Myanmar, Tibet, Nepal, India, and will return to Germany around the year 2011. "This trip really broadened our vision to be the diversity and beauty of the world," they said compact.

To date they have traveled about 50,000 miles on their vehicles and have taken over 100,000 photos. Asalj German partner will continue running and adventure to continue to take moments throughout the course of their exceptional.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Komodo Island

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands. Komodo Island is known as a habitat for native animals dragons. The island is also the Komodo National Park is managed by the Central Government. Komodo Island is located east of the island of Sumbawa, separated by Sape Strait.

Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara.

On the island of Komodo, dragons animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are an estimated 1300 dragons tail. Coupled with the other islands, such as the island of Rinca and Gili and Motang, their number totaled about 2500 birds. There are approximately 100 individuals dragons in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland island of Flores, but not including the Komodo National Park.

Komodo Island

In addition to the Komodo dragon, the island also holds a variety of exotic flora Sepang wood by local people used as a medicinal and dye clothing, tree or Sterculia oblongata nitak is believed to be useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas.

Komodo Island is also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as in Komodo National Park area, along with the island of Rinca, Padar and Gili Island Motang.

Komodo Island

Van der Wijk Fort

Van Der Wijck fortress was stronghold of the Dutch East Indies which was built in the 18th century. The fort is located in Gombong, about 21 km from Kebumen district, Central Java, or 100 km from the temple of Borobudur, Magelang.

Van der Wijk Fort

Name of the fort is taken from Van Der Wijck, which is likely the name of the commander at the time. Name emblazoned on the door of the castle was right.

The fort is sometimes associated with the name David Cochius Frans (1787-1876), a General who served in the Western District Bagelen whose name also bear the name Fort Generaal Cochius.

Van der Wijk Fort

Van der Wijk Fort

Tanah Lot

'Tanah Lot' is a tourist attraction in Bali, Indonesia. Here there are two temples are situated on a large rock. One is located in the upper crust and the other is located on the cliffs similar to Pura Uluwatu. Pura Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang heaven. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a shrine guardian gods of the sea.

Tanah Lot

According to legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He was succeeded Nirartha that will strengthen the confidence of the Balinese Hinduism and build Sad heaven on the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha.

Bendesa Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot. He agreed, and before leaving the Tanah Lot with its power to move his stone blocks to the center of the beach (not into the sea) and built temples there. She also changed her shawl into a snake temple guards.

This snake is still there today and scientifically snakes include species of sea snakes that have characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped yellow and black have 3 times more potent venom of cobra snakes. End of the legend states that Bendesa Beraben 'finally' a follower Nirartha.

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot

Kuta Beach

Kuta beach is a tourist place located south of Denpasar, the capital of Bali, Indonesia. Kuta is located in Badung regency. This area is a tourist destination abroad, and has become a mainstay tourist island of Bali since the early 70's. Kuta beach are often referred to as beach sunset (sunset beach) as opposed to Sanur beach.

Kuta Beach

In Kuta there are many shops, restaurants and baths and hanging himself. Besides beautiful beaches, Kuta beach also offers a variety of types of entertainment such as bars and restaurants along the beach to Legian beach. Rosovivo, Ocean Beach Club, Kamasutra, are some of the most crowded clubs along the Kuta beach.

This beach also has a pretty good waves for surfing (surfing), especially for novice surfers. Field I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is located not far from Kuta.

Kuta Beach

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo (from Sanskrit: Brahma, one of the main Hindu Gods), the volcano is still active and best known as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo to be attractive because of its status as a still active volcano.

Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level is located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and the District of Malang. Mount Bromo mesh body shape between the valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of ​​sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers.

Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the center of the crater of Bromo.

Mount Bromo

For residents of Bromo Tengger tribe, Mount Brahma (Bromo) believed to be a sacred mountain. Once a year the community held a ceremony Yadnya Tengger Kasada or Kasodo. This ceremony is held at a temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo. The ceremony was held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar.
Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo

Bunaken National Park

Bunaken National Park is a park located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The park is located in the Coral Triangle, a habitat for 390 species of coral reefs and also various species of fish, molluscs, reptiles and marine mammals. Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesia's marine ecosystems, including prairie sea, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems.

This national park was established in 1991 and covers an area of ​​890.65 km². 97% of this national park is the habitat of the sea, while the remaining 3% of the land, includes five islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Naen and Siladen.


Bunaken National Park has a coral reef ecosystem is very rich. There are about 390 species of coral reefs in the region. Species of algae that can be found at Bunaken National Park is Caulerpa, Halimeda and Padina, while the seaweed species that were encountered are Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassaodendron ciliatum. Bunaken National Park also has a variety of fish species, marine mammals, reptiles, birds, mollusks and mangrove. About 90 species of fish living in waters of this region.

On the mainland, the island is rich in Arecaceae, sago, woka, silar and coconut. In addition, Bunaken National Park also has an animal species that live on land, such as deer and possum. Mangrove forest in the park is a habitat for crab, lobster, mollusks and sea birds. sure!


In this region, there are 22 villages with a population of about 35,000 inhabitants. Most of them work as fishermen or farmers coconut, sweet potatoes, bananas and seaweed for export, while others work as a guide, workers at the cottage and boat captains.

Tourism in the region continue to be developed. Between 2003 and 2006, the number of visitors in Bunaken National Park reach 32,000 to 39,000 souls, with 8-10000 them are foreign tourists.

Bunaken National Park was formally established in 1991 and is one of Indonesia's first marine park. In 2005, Indonesia is to register a national park to be included into the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite its national park status and receive sufficient funding, this park has a small degradation of coral reefs caused by mining, anchor damage, the use of bombs and cyanide in fishing, diving and trash. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) conservation assistance as part of the "Sulu Sulawesi Marine Eco-region Action Plan". Conservation includes the patrol, which has reduced the use of bombs in fishing.

Tangkuban Parahu Mount

Tangkuban Parahu Mount or Tangkuban Perahu Mount is one of the mountain located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. About 20 km to the north of the city of Bandung, with a lush carpet of pine trees and tea plantations in the surrounding mountains as high as Tangkuban Parahu has 2084 meters altitude. These mountains form the center of the eruption is Stratovulcano that moves from east to west. Rock types are mostly issued by the eruption of lava and sulfur, sulfur minerals released are sulfur, minerals that are released when the mountain is not active sulfur vapor. Tangkuban Boat Mountain area is managed by the Forestry Housing. Daily average temperature is 17oC during the day and 2 °C at night.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu hill dipterocarp forests have hutan Dipterokarp Bukit, hutan Dipterokarp Atas, hutan Montane, dan Hutan Ericaceous atau hutan gunung.

Tangkuban Parahu Mount

The origins of Mount Tangkuban Perahu Sangkuriang associated with the legend, narrated in love with his mother, Dayang Sumbi. To thwart the intention of marrying his son, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang stipulating that makes the boat overnight. When his efforts failed, Sangkuriang angry and kicked the boat, so it landed upside down in the state. The boat is then formed Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

Mount Tangkuban Parahu include an active volcano whose status is being watched by the Directorate of Volcanology and Indonesia. Some of the crater is still showing signs of activity of this mountain. Among these signs is the appearance of volcanic gas sulfur and hot springs at the foot of his mountain in the region include Ciater, Subang.

Tangkuban Parahu Mount

The existence of this mountain and the form of a Bandung basin topography with hills and mountains on each side to strengthen the theory of the existence of a lake (crater) is now a major area of ​​Bandung. Is believed by geologists that the highlands Bandung with a height of approximately 709 m above sea level are the remnants of ancient volcanoes known as Mount Sunda, and Mount Tangkuban Parahu a remnant of an ancient Mount Sunda still active. This phenomenon can be seen on Mount Krakatau in the Sunda Strait and the Ngorongoro in Tanzania, Africa. So the legend that is the story of the people Sangkuriang region is believed to be a documentation of the ancient Sunda Mountain area at the time of the event.

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis is a village in the district Kretek, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

In this village there is the Indian Ocean coast is located approximately 25 miles south of Yogyakarta. IX is the most famous attractions in Yogyakarta as well as other beach objects Samas, Baron, Kukup, Krakal and Glagah. IX has a unique view that is not available on other attractions in addition to a wave that is also the mountains around tinngi sand beaches, mountains commonly called sand dunes.

This attraction is managed by the local governments with good Bantul, ranging from accommodation facilities and markets selling special souvenirs IX. In addition there are the baths called parang wedang perhaps in bathing water can cure a variety of skin diseases among diseases, water from the baths containing sulfur that comes from pengunungan at that location. Hot water from being diverted to the coast chopper wedang IX to rinse after playing sand and irrigate small pool children's playground.

Parangtritis Beach

Other locations in Parangkusumo Coast beach is a place supposedly for a meeting between the king of Yogyakarta and Nyi Roro Kidul. On certain days (normal month suro) here a presentation sesajian (anchorage) for the Queen of the South Sea or in the Java language. Local residents believe that a person must not use green-colored clothing when in this beach. Parangtritis Beach became the main destination of the traveler, especially on new year's eve Java (a sacred / Suro).

In IX, there are ATV, horse-drawn carriage & horses can be hired to cruise the coast from east to west. It also been carried out as a place for sports air / aeromodeling.

Parangtritis Beach

Hindu Temple Marker Glory : Prambanan Temple

When you go to Yogyakarta, is a time to visit one of the UNESCO world heritage site and the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, Prambanan. Prambanan temple is a building that was built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung.

Prambanan Temple
Photo credits - Arie Basuki/Tempo

Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, 40 km west of Surakarta and Semarang 120 km south, just on the border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. At the center of the temple was built garden area.

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. Once, a man named Roro Jonggrang Bondowoso love. Because of his love, asking Jonggrang Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a fire in order to look like morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed statue to be Jonggrang-1000 because he felt cheated. By many in the Prambanan temple is often referred to as the Loro Jonggrang.

In 1733, this temple was found by the CA. Lons a Dutch nationality. Then in 1855 Jan Willem IJzerman start to clean and move some rocks and soil from the chambers of the temple. Some time later Isaac Groneman perform large-scale demolition and temple stones were piled haphazardly along the Opak.

At 1902-1903, Theodoor van Erp keep parts prone to collapse. In the years 1918-1926, followed by the Bureau of Antiquities (Oudheidkundige Dienst) under PJ Perquin in a more methodical and systematic, known as the predecessor to the removal and demolition of thousands of rock without thinking of the restoration effort back.

In 1926 De Haan continued until his death in 1930. In 1931 was replaced by Ir. V.R. van Romondt up in 1942 and then submitted the leadership of the son of Indonesia's renovation and continued until 1993.

Many parts of the renovated temple, using a new stone, as many original stones were stolen or reused elsewhere. A temple will only be restored when at least 75% of the original stone is still there. Therefore, many small temples which was rebuilt and it just seemed foundation.

Entering Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find four rooms. One main room with a statue of Shiva, while the other three rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (the son of Shiva). Durga is touted as the statue of Roro Jonggrang described in the legend above.

In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of the temple of Shiva, you will only see a single room with a statue of Vishnu. Similarly, Brahma temple is located south of the temple of Shiva, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple located near the temple of Vishnu. This temple keeps a story called half-bird Garuda. Garuda is a mythical bird in Hindu mythology who was gold, white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles.

Estimated, figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu figure (meaning 'sunrise' or 'shining', usually associated with the god Re) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Greek mythology. Garuda could save her from the curse of Aruna (Garuda's handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amrita (holy water of the gods).

Prambanan Temple
Photo credits - Arie Basuki/Tempo

Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. According to experts, the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral tradition. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. At Prambanan reliefs depicted Kalpataru trees flanking the lion. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the ninth century had wisdom to manage their environment.

On May 27, 2006 earthquake with a strength of 5.9 on a scale hit Bantul and surrounding areas. The earthquake caused severe damage to many buildings and mortality in the population there. One of the badly damaged building is a complex of Prambanan, especially the Brahma temple. Until now, this improvement is still underway and some of them already completed.

To achieve Prambanan, quite easily, with a wide range of flight options you can get to and from the center of Yogyakarta city is warm, you can rent a car or taxi to Prambanan temple with a travel time of about half an hour.

6 Unique Festival in Indonesia

Indonesia is often referred to as the sleeping giant of Southeast Asia, and the epithet was indeed appropriate. With more than 18 thousand islands, this archipelago has a remarkable diversity of what you can see or do while on vacation there.

Modernization brings a wide range of development (some say excessive development) to Jakarta, while Bali tourism back to life after being destroyed when a bomb blast 2002. There are also mountains like the mythical Bromo and Borobudur to search various types of attractions, as well as the 6000 inhabited islands.

Not surprisingly, Indonesia offers a wide range of very typical festival highlight their culture, reflecting the ethnic diversity and traditions of various parts of the archipelago. You will find that diversity in the six festival is unique to Indonesia, ranging from the celebration of art, batik, dance and ceremony. If possible, you can witness one of the festival during his visit to Indonesia!

Krakatau Festival

Krakatau Festival

Krakatau Festival is an annual festival held in Lampung, held to celebrate the same name as the volcanic island, Krakatoa. Mount Krakatau erupted in 1927, eruption was then produce a new small island, called Anak Krakatau.

During the festival, visitors can enjoy a variety of shows such as Tuping Carnaval (Carnival Mask Lampung), attractions for elephants and a variety of dances from Lampund and cities. End of the range of this event was a visit to the volcanic island, is still active but is deep sleep. For a while!

Bali Arts Festival

One of the biggest annual celebration of arts and culture in Indonesia, Bali Arts Festival is always crowded. During the whole month, various art shows, exhibitions and other cultural activities will take place in Bali, offering dance, music and the beauty of their culture.

Celebration of the famous attractions such as traditional dances that have been almost forgotten, the trace of a remote area in Bali, food, crafts, as well as new creations from dance schools in London and the contemporary choreography of national and international artists.

Solo Batik Carnival

Since ancient times, the tradition of batik has always had very strong roots in Solo. Kotadi Central Javanese batik has made it even as an icon and identity, an accurate picture of a city famous for its beauty and subtlety of his kingdom
behaviors. Solo Batik Carnival was held to strengthen the tradition, and to promote batik on a national and international scale.

This event is a combination of ceremonies, fashion shows and carnivals, all using batik as a theme. There will also be a bazaar that offers a wide range of unique batik and souvenir of Solo.

Solo International Ethnic Music Festival

One of the festival is the latest of Solo International Ethnic Music Solo (SIEM) Festival, which focuses on ethnic musical performances and celebrations. This event is a unique platform for collaboration between modern and ethnic music, local artists and

The long list of performers including artists Minangkabau, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Papua, Kalimantan, and even foreign artists from Japan, Australia, India, New Zealand and many others.

Gerebeg Mulud

Gerebeg Mulud

In the Java language, meaning gerebeg Mulud crowd and is one of the name of the month in the Javanese calendar. Celebration, also known as Sekaten, to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The procession lasted all day and 'display' two gamelan performances are carried into the Great Mosque.

In the evening there will be a market north of the city to add to the excitement of the city, a great place to try different foods as well as Java and Yogyakarta for souvenir hunting.

Lembah Baliem Festival

Papua typical festival has its roots in the beliefs of local tribes that war is not just a conflict keuasaan and interests, but also a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Since 20 years ago, local governments have stressed the importance of peace among the tribes who fought to prevent a prolonged revenge and loss of life. So, Baliem Valley Festival is an event organized to replace the inter-tribal warfare.

As you may have guessed, the main event was a war between tribes. Imagine more than 20 different tribes each with 30 to 50 people wearing traditional dress, carrying spears, bows, arrows and machetes! There are also performances and a host of other attractions, such as local traditional games, dances, as well as local cuisine.